Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random things typographical

There's a series of things here that don't really fit together other than they're non-publication based typographical design that I think looks quite strong.

This is some stationary designed by collective approach. I love the typographic logo, the looped ligature between the A and the ampersand looks really elegant. The amount of negative space around it makes it look really confident and almost talismanic. I think this is something that I want to capture in my own work as much as possible. The minimalism that says confidence. It's something that seems to be very in at the minute, especially looking at the culture industry.

This is a calnder that I just thinks really contemporary and smooth, probably because it's typeset in helvetica. Still the grid system is nice, and the way the months are laid out looks nice and clean.

This is part of a series of posters for the Quadra exhibition done by Donna Wearmouth. I love the boldness of the three horizontal lines, I don't know if they're supposed to be the i-cheng symbol for creative or not, but it's a bold statement. The variety of type faces on the type below it could have been confusing, but she manages to balance it well, which is a constant reminder that I need to be inventive and try things out with type.

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